
MDaemon Server 9.50 中英文版发布了


Alt-N 于美国时间2006年10月24日发布了MDaemon Server 9.50 中英文版及其它语种版本。同步发布的还有WebAdmin 3.30,.

MDaemon 9.50 – 2006 年 10 月 24 日


o 以下情况仅适用于当您是 MDaemon Antivirus (MDAV) 或 SecurityPlus for MDaemon 的授权用户时:

激活将验证您所使用的密钥是否合法。它还将使用您网卡的 MAC 地址将注册信息与计算机绑定,使其他人难以非法使用您的注册密钥。不需要且不会传输关于您的任何个人信息。仅在您更换网卡的情况下才需要重新激活。如果以后激活,则可以选择使用“帮助 -> 激活 Alt-N 软件”菜单打开激活向导。  
虽然允许多次激活,但这只是为了客户的使用方便,且不得视为允许违反 EULA。已注册的用户可以在 30 天内进行激活。要正常使用 Alt-N 产品则需进行激活。


o MDaemon 不再支持 Deerfield.com 的 AntiVirus 产品。

o由于更改了“退回”选项的设计,如果您使用垃圾邮件过滤器中的“将垃圾邮件退回发件人”选项,则设置已更改为“标志垃圾邮件但接收它”(请参见以下的 [5018] 项)

o [5025] 当网关配置为转发邮件且启用了“保留本地副本”选项时,如果选中“按照每个计划的远程邮件时间间隔来投递邮件”选项则存在重新投递所有相同邮件的可能。


1) 转发邮件选项中的“保留本地副本”更改为默认禁用。您应该检查所有网关以确保该设置如您所需。

2) 启用“按照每个计划的远程邮件时间间隔来投递邮件”时添加了警告框,以提醒发生该情况的可能性。

o “按此时间间隔发送邮件”滑块值重置为默认值五分钟。您可以根据自己的喜好更改该值(请参见下面第 [63] 项)。

o [4980] 添加了 SMTP 参数 RFC 符合性检查。SMTP 服务器现在将拒绝包含控制字符或 8 位字符的参数。该检查已结合了现有的基本正文符合性检查,且可以通过“其他选项 -> 服务器”中的一个选项(重新进行标示以反映此项新功能)来切换开关。与以前版本不同的是,新版本中默认将启用 SMTP 参数和正文内容的符合检查。如果必须从不符合的源接收邮件,则将其禁用。

o 请在反向查询界面中检查 PTR 选项。根据要求的内部更改已将这些设置返回默认值。

o [4811] 对于 MDaemon 的日文版本,安装程序将纠正原来版本 MDaemon 和 Outlook Connector 使用的错误文件夹名称。请在安装 9.50 前作好备份。如果使用 OC,请在服务器和所有客户机中将其更新到 V2.1.2 或更高版本。


* [63] 自定义调度和邮件队列(仅 MDaemon PRO)*
现在可以根据需要创建任意数目的调度。您可以为每个调度命名并在自定义邮件队列中附加调度。还可以根据需要创建任意多个自定义邮件队列。使用 CF 可以根据任何标准将邮件移动到自定义队列中。例如,您可以创建一个名为“Big Mail”的调度,再创建一个存储该邮件的队列,然后创建一个内容过滤器规则,使用新的“将邮件移动到自定义队列”操作将超过一定大小的邮件移动到该队列中。如果要将邮件列表中的邮件在指定时间投递,则可以创建一个名为(例如)“List Mail”的调度,再创建一个队列,然后使用内容过滤器规则将带有 X-MDMailing-List 报头的邮件移动到新队列中。


1)  现在调度管理器在其自己的线程和信号事件中运行,而非自己执行。
2)  DomainPOP 和 MultiPOP 继续仅根据默认调度进行收集(请参见调度程序用户界面)。
3)  创建的用于处理远程邮件(而非本地邮件)的队列是唯一可以与调度一起使用的合法队列。总是立即投递本地邮件。
4)  任何没有绑定到自定义队列的调度都将绑定到默认的远程队列。
5)  调度编辑器和队列编辑器的用户界面已更改。
6)  “按此时间间隔发送邮件”滑块值已重置为默认值五分钟。可以根据您的喜好进行更改。
7)  否定并取消了名为“最大地利用该连接配置文件”的 RAS 选项。该选项与新的调度/队列更改不兼容。  
8)  否定并取消了“临时”队列的概念。此概念与新的调度/队列更改不兼容。
9)  “冻结”远程邮件队列处理将停止所有的远程自定义队列。
10) 移除队列将删除所有关联到该队列的调度,并禁用与移动到该队列的邮件有关的任何内容过滤器规则。
11) 您可以扩展 MDaemon 用户界面中本地、远程和 RAW 队列的根节点。执行该操作将显示每个队列的路径和邮件数目。但是计数将减慢 UI 的速度,因此可以在不需要了解计数时关闭节点。在任何节点上双击鼠标左键则将其内容加载到用户界面。
12) AV 调度中使用“随机”分钟选项时,访问调度编辑器 UI 将重新设定所有时间值。
13) LAN 队列保存邮件用于不需要 RAS 进行访问的远程域,该队列将根据默认邮件处理调度,而非按本地邮件处理时间间隔进行处理。此更改减轻了 CPU 周期的大量负担。
14) [4823] 添加了内容过滤器操作“移动邮件到自定义队列”

* [4601] 垃圾邮件陷阱(仅 MDaemon PRO)*


到垃圾邮件陷阱地址的单个 RCPT 是用来启动垃圾邮件陷阱系统所仅需的信号,可以将邮件投递到贝叶斯垃圾邮件文件夹,而且还能够阻止今后来自发送 IP 地址的连接。忽略了一些安全功能以便使其生效。

发送到垃圾邮件陷阱中的邮件只能转移到贝叶斯垃圾邮件文件夹中。即使在 SMTP 会话中提供了其他 RCPT 命令,它们也不会投递给实际的用户。

WorldClient 现在支持新的文件夹类型“Notes”。Notes 文件夹可以与其他用户共享并能与 Outlook Connector 同步。  
MDaemon 的 SyncML 支持 notes 文件夹同步。Outlook Connector 和 SyncML 要求使用 MDaemon PRO。

* 改进的 SYNCML 服务器现在支持 SYNC4J 客户端(仅 MDaemon PRO )*
MDaemon 的 SyncML 服务器现在支持开源 Sync4j SyncML 客户端。Sync4j SyncML 客户端可以从以下地址下载:http://www.funambol.com/opensource/downloads.html. 我们的测试表明目前的 beta 版 V 3.x 的客户机更为强健,且完善了 V 2.x 客户端的功能。现在不支持 Sync4j 加密选项。  


  o Simplified the so-called "Ghost" session:
    1) MDaemon no longer requires a separate "Ghost" program manager icon
    2) The Ghost term was dropped.  Configuration Sessions are now called
       Configuration Sessions.
    3) Launching MDaemon for the first time starts all the mail services
       while any subsequent launch either starts or brings to the fore the
       Configuration Session.

  o PocketPC theme fixes & changes:
    1) [4761] Changed navigation to be text links instead of images. This should
       improve load speeds and reduce bandwidth usage
    2) [4836] Changed .PocketPC login to not force the .PocketPC theme if the
       user doesn"t pass "&Theme=.PocketPC" in the URL
    3) [4982] If a non-Pocket IE browser uses the .PocketPC theme they will be
       allowed to switch themes (this is useful for desktop browsers that
       accidentally get changed to .PocketPC theme)
    4) [4219] fixed the delete calendar events bug that prevented calendar
       events from being deleted.

  o [5106] Added MDSpamD "debug logging" (which is disabled by default):

    1) Added MDSpamD tab to the main MDaemon UI.
    2) Added switch to logging options to enable MDSpamD logging - a warning
       though, this is a performance drain.
    3) Added same switch to MDSpamD tab in Spam Filter UI.
    4) Added an MDSpamD log file which tracks all this logging - another warn-
       ing, this file could get big fast.

    Known limitation:  When MDaemon runs as a service and user credentials are
    provided MDaemon will not be able to communciate with MDSpamD for logging
    purposes and no logging will take place.

  o [5119] Added "Show Window" option to MDSpamD properties in the Spam Filter.
    When this is enabled the output from MDSpamD is piped to its external process
    window rather than MDaemon"s internal UI and logging system.  This will avoid
    the performance drain associated with piping MDSpamD output into MDaemon itself.  
    However, there will be no log file created.  This option can not be used in
    combination with the MDSpamD internal UI and logging option.

  o [4434] Moved the installer backup option from the "directory selection"
    page to the "start installation" page.  This is to solve a problem whereby
    many people were thinking the installation directory was actually the
    backup directory and so they were changing it.  The result was an install-
    ation that did not work properly.

  o [4554] Added option to reverse lookups to exempt authenticated sessions
    from PTR lookups on the connecting IP.  When this switch is enabled the
    PTR lookup on the connecting IP is deferred until after the MAIL command
    in order to determine whether the connection used authentication or not.

  o [4662] You can now enter ZERO into the retry queue configuration for the
    number of days to retry delivering mail.  After the first retry, the message
    will be bounced back.

  o [5067] The option to count sub-folders when applying quota restrictions
    has been disabled by default.  This setting is in Misc. Options|Misc if
    you want to check and make sure it is set to your expectation.

  o [5155] Reorganized the tab layout in the main GUI to group things together
    in a more organized way.  The security related items are now in a Security
    tab and the OC and WC items are in the Mail tab.

  o [5156] Added SyncML log tab to GUI.  This just mirrors the SyncML log file.

  o [5121] Changed work file copy method to prevent .cf files from going missing
    at times.

  o [5120] Added option to Misc Options|GUI to save the state of the stat window
    root node counters across reboots.

  o [5128] The DNS-BL engine was changed to skip the X _most recent_ Received headers
    rather than the X _oldest_ Received headers.  It doesn"t seem to make much sense
    to skip the oldest Received headers.  The idea is you want to skip the newest
    Received headers because those stamps would be from the hops closest to you which
    you might trust (especially your ISP in the case of DomainPOP/MultiPOP mail). Also,
    the default number of Received headers to skip for SMTP collected mail was changed
    to 0 rather than 1.  The DNS-BL GUI was updated.

  o [5139] Moved several CF and AV related .dat files out of MDaemon"s resource file
    and into disk files that the installer will pick up and place in the APP folder.

  o [5068] Constantly hitting the disk to check user quotas has been identified
    as a significant performance drain.  So, the results of these quota checks
    are now cached in QUOTACOUNTS.DAT.  MDaemon will maintain and police this
    file.  If you want to clear the cached quota value for an account add that
    account"s email address to a CLEARQUOTACOUNTS.SEM file and place it in the
    APP folder.

  o [5070] Added a "Statistics" tab to the main UI.  This contain the same
    summary report that is generated by other means (see elsewhere in this
    document).  This report is not updated in real-time but it should refresh with
    current content every minute or so.  It is possible to alter the text in
    this tab because I don"t know how to prevent that however it could be useful I

    If you don"t like the font I used you can customize it in MDaemon.ini:

    DefFontFace=Courier New

  o [5071] Added quarantine queue to the queue list in stats window.

  o [5073] Added right-click option to session window to put IP of selected
    entries on the dynamic screen.  Nothing will be done if dynamic screening is
    disabled and this feature can not add trusted or local IPs.

  o [5069] Right-clicking on a root node in stats window gives a "reset root
    node counts" option which zeros all the root node counters (this is
    necessary because they all inter-relate for proper calculations).

  o [5075] Removed option to "authenticate list posts using FROM header" from
    Misc Options.  This will always take place.  MDaemon will also verify list
    posters using the SMTP envelope unless you set this switch in the
    MDaemon.ini file:

    EnvelopeListCheck=No (default Yes)

  o [5096] WorldClient"s mail check has been optimized to defer loading new
    messages until a folder is actually opened.  Previously, checking for
    mail would load all new messages in all folders.  This should reduce log
    in times.

  o [5125] Updated DKIM to version 0.5 of the specification.

  o [4969] Added DKIM signing option to include z= (copied headers) in

  o [4956] The DKIM verifier no longer queries for or honors DKIM SSP records
    by default.  You can re-enable this via a new switch located on the DK/DKIM
    verification UI.  SSP is being disabled by default in preparation for SSP
    changes which are coming thanks to the work being done in the IETF right
    now.  When enabled, MDaemon"s DKIM verifier processes SSP records according
    to http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-allman-dkim-ssp-00.

  o [4918] WorldClient"s contacts now support a name prefix and suffix.  These
    fields are synchronized with the Outlook Connector and SyncML.

  o The FORGED_MUA_OUTLOOK rule has been reenabled in 80_MDaemon_scores.cf.

  o Added scroll-bar to folder selection in Account filter editor.

  o MDaemon will log an error code into the System log anytime a process fails
    to start or fails to start as a specified user.  This will allow us to try
    and discover why these failures happen for some sites.

  o The Content Filter "Administrators" tab has been renamed "Recipients" since
    this is just a list of email addresses that receive Content Filter
    notification messages.

  o Previously, messages over 50K were not put through the spam filter.  Now the
    default is 200K.

  o Slightly changed text on Account Forwarding, Gateway Forwarding, and Setup|
    Primary Domain|Delivery UI to state how to specify host name values.

  o The installer will delete old 80_MDaemon_surbl.cf and 90_MDaemon_surbl.cf

  o Slight textual changes to Spam Filter Bayesian tab.

  o Made slight GUI change to mailing list notifications tab.

  o [4924] IP and Host screening will never block local or trusted IPs.

  o [4892] Several changes were made to the anti-relay logic and UI.  The UI was
    changed to better reflect how the options actually work and interact.  For
    example, the options to verify whether local accounts exist when given in an
    SMTP MAIL or RCPT command now operate on their own - they no longer depend
    on what the anti-relay setting says.  Second, a new option is available
    which will allow you to control whether messages sent from trusted IPs or
    hosts should be relayed.  In previous versions this was always allowed but
    now it has to be specifically enabled.

  o [4928] Removed update checking code from MDaemon.exe and put it all into
    MDUpdater.exe (previously some of it was in one place and the rest in the
    other place).

  o [4926] Messages submitted to MDaemon from the same computer as MDaemon will
    no longer be spam filtered by default.  This mainly impacts WorldClient
    since mail submitted by WorldClient to MDaemon for delivery always takes
    place on the same computer.  You can disable this behavior by setting the
    following switch in the CFilter.ini file:

    SkipLocalLoopback=No (default Yes)

  o [2237] Added an option to the Content Filter which allows you to scan the
    content of zipped attachments looking for restricted files.  This option
    appears on a slightly redesigned "Attachments" tab within the Content
    Filter.  In addition, any rule which triggers based on a file name match
    will trigger if the file is found within a zipped attachment.

  o [4859] Added an option to Misc Options|Headers and Setup|Primary Domain to
    always use the FQDN value when creating Received header stamps.  By default,
    MDaemon uses the domain value associated with the connecting IP or

  o Added four INI values for that can be placed in WorldClient"s Domains.ini
    or User.ini files that will speed up the HTML compose component"s load time
    by disabling specific plugins:


    These values default to "No" so that the compose view will load as people
    are used to in the 9.0 series.

  o [4921] Added two User.ini values that will set a minimum width for the left
    pane in the WorldClient LookOut theme.  The possible values are:


  o [4965] Improved the stats report and added a "Statistics" node to the Stats
    window.  Also, at midnight each night, the postmaster and all content filter
    administrator users will receive the report via email.  If this isn"t desired
    the following MDaemon.ini switch can disable it:

    SendStatsReport=No (default Yes)

    This is the same report that is generated when MDaemon receives the Status
    command via qualified email.

  o [3639] added separate logging option to enable/disable MultiPOP log

  o [4865] added separate logging option to enable/disable DomainPOP log

  o [4864] changed UI references to "forward to this host" to "forward to this
    domain" since MX record processing is being performed.  Also added some UI
    text explaining how one can still achieve a "forward to this host" A-record
    only delivery.

  o [4794] removed greylist file cleanup during MDaemon startup  

  o [4798] updated/added warning text when enabling PTR/HELO refusal options.

  o [4839] added "Delete Message" IMAP filter rule action

  o [4845] added "Strip X-Spam-Flag header" option to Misc. Options|Headers UI.
    If you want to strip existing X-Spam-Flag headers from messages you will
    Need to set this switch.  The old MDaemon.ini hack to do this has been
  o [4795] The DNS options "Immediately return mail when DNS says A record host
    not found" and the similar option for MX records have been replaced by a
    single option that will return (bounce) messages when there are no MX _or_ A
    records for a domain.  The GUI was appropriately updated.  The option is
    enabled by default.

  o [4919] Wednesdy logs are now spelled correctly - Wednesday.

  o [4927] Updated MDSpamD to use SA 3.15.

  o [4933] MD will police APP folder for RAS dll and delete it if there (to
    prevent a possible exploit).

  o [4939] The name of the MDaemon service is now always "MDaemon" and can not
    be changed by users.  The service editor in the UI was updated accordingly.
    Also the Network Resource Access text was altered slightly.

  o [4846] Webadmin SSL port will be displayed in the UI when in use.
  o [4929] Removed "Close" right-click menu options from all menus.

  o [4957] The plug-in system now supports processing of MultiPOP and DomainPOP
    collected mail.  See plugins.txt for more information.

  o [4591] The full name field is now populated for contacts that MDaemon adds
    to the default address book when an account sends mail.
  o [5039] Reworked the gateways UI to use more consistent terminology and to
    get rid of some of the unneeded text cluttering it up.

  o [5040] It is no longer required to first remove a queue from the queue
    editor when disabling a gateway"s auto-spool option.

  o [5018] Removed option to "bounce" spam message from the spam filter UI.
    If there is a need to bounce a known spam it can still be done by setting
    the following manually in CFilter.ini:

    BounceSpam=Yes (default no)

    Setting this switch will cause MDaemon to ignore the other spam disposition
    options (delete, spam trap, and flag)

  o [5034] Added option to import original message text into body of MDaemon
    generated DSN messages.  The option is disabled by default because this
    makes the DSN messages twice as big.  To enable, edit the following in

    ImportMessageIntoDSN=Yes (default No)

  o [5057] Added "Message Size" test to user-defined IMAP filter rules.  This
    works with the new "is greater than" and "is less than" tests which were
    also added.  It also works with "is equal" and "is not equal" tests.

  o [5021] Bayesian learning will no longer take place when using external spam
    daemons (there"s no point really).  Also Bayesian learning process was some-
    times logging failures needlessly (for example, when learning was disabled).

  o [5022] Added option to Misc Options|Misc to enable/disable the counting of
    groupware (non-mail) folders when using disk/file quotas.  Also, renamed
    "Use Strict Quotas" to "Include all inbox sub-folders in quota calculation"
    which is a little more descriptive.

  o [5054] The retry queue is now employed for all delivery options.  The Setup
    Delivery UI was greatly changed due to this.  So, whether you are delivering
    directly, sending all mail to another server, or sending problem mail to an-
    other server, the retry queue should be involved.

  o [5027] Added option to Retry UI to move undeliverable DSN messages into the
    bad message folder.  This applies only to DSN"s that MDaemon has generated.

  o [5042] Police up references to "MDaemon AntiVirus" in MDaemon.exe.  Those
    references should be changed to "SecurityPlus" if MDAV version >= 3.00.

  o [5049] Added session window right-click menu option: "Add to IP Screen"
    which adds the IP address of the selected session entries to the "All IPs"
    section of IP Screen.  

  o [4986] When using Active Directory monitoring and specifying an "alias"
    value for accounts in ActiveDS.dat MDaemon will append "@" to the
    expanded value but only if the value doesn"t already have a "@" char in it.  
    For example, Alias=%givenName%_%sn% (the default) wouldn"t normally yield a
    "@" character whereas Alias=%mail% probably would.  In the first case,
    "@" will be appended.  In the second, it won"t.

  o [4622] Added paging support to WorldClient"s task view. This should improve
    the rendering speed for larger task lists.

  o [4971] Added percentage calculations to all relevant sub-nodes on Stats tab.

  o [3847] MDStats displays the MDAV and OC registration keys
  o [2887] MDStats supports message sizes larger than 2 GB
  o [4779] MDStats supports directory sizes large than 2 GB
  o [4879] MDStats displays message & directory sizes with thousands separators


  o fix to Firefox requiring the entire page to reload when an AJAX request was
    being made in some instances
  o fix to cfengine waiting too long to process a message once mdspamd.exe is
  o [4755] fix to Japanese MDaemon signature possibly corrupting message text
  o [4771] fix to options in CFilterGUI not grayed when scanner disabled
  o [2371] fix the list boxes on the public folder screen of cfilter to scroll
    if public folder names were long.
  o [4793] fix to PTR "domain not found" closing connection errantly
  o [4804] fix to mdspamd looking for site config paths
  o [4802] fix to mdspamd to not create the spamd-XXXX-init folders needlessly
  o [4816] fix to SyncML is unable to synchronize tasks with SonyEricsson z520
  o [4821] fix to temp queues cleared on startup (functionality deprecated)
  o [4834] fix to ghost unable to create SEM files to signal MDaemon for things
  o [4835] fix to CFEngine/MDSpamD process shutting down when Ghost starts up
  o [4797] fix to not marked as spam when score exactly equals threshold
  o [4847] fix to LogonToNetwork being called and user impersonating taking
    place even when not running as a service
  o [4854] fix to LogonUser() called once/thread rather than once/process
  o [4856] fix to "Could not start process X as user Y on domain Z" errors (fix
    needs confirmation).
  o [4857] fix to archival and public folder copies of system generated mail
    going through content filter when not configured to do so
  o [4863] fix to crash/corruption when Network Resource Access UI saves data
  o [2236] fix to log files not rotating due to ghost session connected
  o [4867] fix to errant handling of certain catalog requests
  o [4868] fix to service restarting as an application and not a service
  o [4882] fix to wrong CopyFile function getting called at times
  o [4502] fix to the day view not scrolling to the first event or the work day
    when an all day event exists
  o [4925] fix to % calculations being wrong in the GUI
  o [4941] fix to MDSpamD being restarted needlessly by the UI
  o [4932] fix to filelist-xx.dat file referencing deprecated killfile.sup
  o [4938] fix to MDLaunch not stopping/starting MDaemon server/app correctly.
    MDLaunch will now always start MDaemon as a service if the service exists.
  o [4806] fix to free/busy data is not available for attendees added from the
    contact picker
  o [4897] fix to SyncML: Marking task complete does not set date completed
  o [4900] fix to SyncML: When synchronizing calendar events, changing the date
    range does add or delete events from the client
  o [4902] fix to SyncML: Date range based on current time rather than midnight
  o [4908] fix to SyncML: When sent to the client, the start date for recurring
    events is set to the first occurrence within the date filter
  o [4910] fix to SyncML: Recurring events ending on the last day of the date
    filter will not be sent to the client
  o [4911] fix to SyncML: Monthly recurring events sent to the client may occur
    on the wrong day
  o [4912] fix to SyncML: Monthly by day recurrence sends weekday information
  o [4913] fix to SyncML: RRULE sent for "last week of month" contains "1-+"
  o [4914] fix to SyncML: An event from the client with monthly by position
    recurrence for multiple weekdays will not be added to the server
  o [4915] fix to SyncML: Only the first line of a street address is sent
  o [4916] fix to SyncML: Commas in contact categories converted to semicolons
  o [4917] fix to SyncML: When only one of a contact"s email addresses or
    websites is specified, it may appear in the wrong field on the client
  o [4949] fix to Spam Filter UI restarting MDSpamD even when clicking Cancel
  o [4945] fix to bad Content-Type header generated from RAW messages having
    attachments to multiple recipients  
  o [4955] fix to plug-in SMTPMessageFunc calls not working for MDAV trial keys
  o [4967] fix to UI unable to open OC release notes
  o [4968] fix to purchase/upgrade option not always redirecting to correct site
  o [4970] fix to AUTH not working when smart host enclosed in brackets
  o [4948] fix to delivery not moving to next MX when A record lookup times out
  o [4947] fix to SyncML logs are not overwritten
  o [4898] fix to SyncML not supporting task states "In Progress" and "Deferred"
  o [4972] fix to Stats tab counts not initialized properly on startup
  o [4973] added msg/per hour stats to UI and statistics report
  o [4742] fix to configuration session whitelist changes not being honored
    without restarting MDaemon
  o [4740] fix to some .cf files getting blanked out when using foreign MDSpamD
  o [4688] fix to Empty Trash not working in .XHTML theme
  o [4714] fix to long names wrapping onto two or more lines in the LookOut
    Contacts view
  o [4989] fix to DomainKeys verification of Gmail messages fails
  o [2329] fix to session transcript not included in DSN at times
  o [4866] fix to smart host not used on 4xx errors at start of mail session
  o [5008] fix to some plug-in functions working when they shouldn"t
  o [5009] fix to About page showing AV trial days left twice
  o [5046] fix to "MAIL FROM" sometimes yields unexpected results bug
  o [5020] fix to contact records overwritten with each use of list editor
  o [5013] fix to SyncML VCARD parser may not read the type of an address of
    phone number
  o [5029] added support for PLAIN authentication mechanism to IMAP server
  o [5033] fix to truncated welcome message subject in Russian version
  o [5045] fix to Bayesian learn button disabled in ghost/configuration sessions
  o [5047] fix to IPScreenEditor::Add allows banning of local and trusted IPs
  o [5050] fix to session window right-click "Print/Copy" doesn"t work right
  o [4987] fix to greylist whitelist and advanced edit dialogs disabled
  o [4984] fix to hard-coded "Select Directory" string in UI
  o [4425] fix to public folder ACL"s not updated when user deleted
  o [4556] fix to 530 SMTP error code not generating DSN immediately
  o [5072] fix to .ctl files not removed when .msg deleted using UI
  o [5074] fix to "Create missing reply-to header" option using envelope value
    rather than FROM header value.  This broke BATV and VERP systems.
  o [4177] fix to spam filter exclude list not working both ways with aliases
  o [5095] fix to remote queue timing out delivery attempts when certain SMTP
    errors occur
  o [4029] fix to authenticated sessions allowed to send to unknown local users
  o [5097] fix to WC not updating filters to subfolders of a renamed folder
  o [5126] fix to plugin manager object not optimally initializing itself
  o [3250] fix to Comagent may crash if an HTTP connection error occurs
  o [5124] fix to MD3Conv errantly displaying an upgrade dialog
  o [5127] fix to being allowed as valid A record result by resolver
  o [5130] fix to configuration sessions killing CFEngine when they shut down
  o [4617] fix to read receipt generated by WC trashing international characters
  o [5154] fix to gateways with wild-carded domain names not working correctly
  o [5144] fix to trusted IP/domains made via ghost not replicated to main MD
  o [5131] fix to many bugs in MDaemon"s shutdown sequence
  o [5158] fix to possible CFEngine.exe lockup when trying to create temp and
    work directories

1.MDaemon Server 9.50 简体中文版

2.MDaemon Server 9.50 英文正式版

3.WebAdmin 3.30 简体中文正式版

4.WebAdmin 3.30 英文正式版

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